Our founders were men of faith. If that is news to you its because the left has systematically purged their religious affiliations from our history books. Wallbuilders.com is a project and ministry of historian David Barton. David has painstakingly gathered over 100,000 original documents testifying to the faith of our founders. These documents paint a far different picture of these men then the one found in history books written since 1900.
If we are to understand the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, we must endeavor to understand the men who wrote them and defended them back in their home states. Fortunately, due to the efforts of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson the minutes of the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention survive along with much of their personal correspondence.
Even a casual reading of this material leads one to conclude that our founders were not only men of faith, they were giants of faith! I saw a statistic the other day, unchallenged by the media, stating that less than 5% of today's mainstream media persons were persons of faith. No wonder Christianity is attacked in the secular press- we're not even represented!
I know that many, most, if not all of my readers are people of faith and I thank God for that and for your influence on those around you every day.
Enjoy this Lord's Day and God Bless America!