Yes, I'm considering running for the Texas Legislature. I've been advised that it's 'too late' to enter the race, that I'm 'too naive' to appreciate the rigors of such a campaign, and that it's 'all about raising money'.
Well, Friday is the deadline for filing so technically I'm not too late. There is no doubt that I'm a novice, but does that make me 'naive'? I've done some difficult things in my life, including a year in Viet Nam where I was wounded twice. Rather than focus on specific, nitty gritty issues, I would focus on conservative principles during a campaign and let the chips fall where they may.
Money, I am not blessed with any. But, I think I could get my message out using the internet, email, and Facebook as so many others are doing this campaign season. Then I am not afraid to travel the district and speak to the people indi
The main reason I am considering entering this race is that those who have already filed are from the urban areas of District 12. We simply don't need any more 'urban legislators'. We need to hold the line on rural representatives, especially conservative ones. Urban legislators go to Austin to address urban problems and issues and often assume that what they come up with will also meet the needs of the rural communities- rarely true. Their solutions often result in unfunded mandates to the towns and communities least able to respond and/or which address problems not found in a rural setting. I saw this most often in my role as a school principal having to keep records and submit reports when I did not have the problems in the first place.
You, my new audience, can help me make this decision with your insight and your comments. I treasure your valuable input.